Debian Mozilla Team changes | Firefox now replaces Iceweasel for “release” version

Debian Mozilla team

The Debian Mozilla team provides various versions of some Mozilla related packages for use on different Debian systems. The following wizard helps you to find the packages suitable for your system.

WARNING: Iceweasel is gone. Please update your apt sources.


Very recently the Debian Mozilla Team has made some changes concerning the latest release of Iceweasel and installing Firefox. Up until a few days ago you could add a line to your sources list (see below), download and install the keyring then install the version release of Iceweasel which tracked the Firefox release cycle.

deb jessie-backports iceweasel-release

Now that’s all been changed. Depending on your preferences it could be for the worse or the better. Now you only have the option of getting the ESR version (38 ESR) of Iceweasel or the latest Firefox release. In order to stay with ESR add this line. You most likely already have that line and won’t need to do anything.

deb jessie/updates main

If you want the latest Firefox add the following line and then run the following command. Make sure you’ve added the key ring to authenticate the packages.

deb jessie-backports firefox-release

The only tricky thing is that this will remove the icon/link for Iceweasel in your Activities Bar.
In GNOME 3, to add the new icon/link (for Firefox) you will need to

  1. Left click on Activities
  2. Start typing F i r e f o x …
  3. Left-click and hold on the Firefox icon when it appears
  4. Drag it to the left and stick it where you want it on the Activities Bar.

Google Chrome Browser – 32-bit version is disappearing | 64-bit debian fix

It seems that Google has seen fit to drop production of the 32-bit version of their Google Chrome Browser.

I first noticed this with Debian systems giving a warning on apt-get update. You can “fix” this for your 64-bit system

deb [arch=amd64] stable main

openSUSE and Fedora likewise no longer seem to have a 32-bit versions available.

Windows looks like it might still have a 32-bit version … for a while
For Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP 32-bit

Debian 7 GNOME 3 (and “Classic”) Shutdown options

Options to Shutdown, Logout, and configure Debian 7 GNOME 3 (and “Classic”) are normally found by clicking on your name at the top right. The image below is GNOME 3: “Classic” mode is quite similar. Suspend options may also appear, depending upon hardware and configuration. Social media and Notifications also appear in the dropdown in GNOME 3.

Other functions on the top task bar include accessibility, sound control, networking.

(Note that I have added the desktop icons, which are switched off by default.)

Debian 7 GNOME 3 (and “Classic”): Choose Desktop

Did you know that you have a choice of Desktops in Debian 7 Linux (“Wheezy”)?

You can choose “GNOME, “and get the latest and greatest GNOME 3, with the heads up display and all the goodies.
Or, you can choose “GNOME Classic,” and you will get something much like the old GNOME 2 interface that many loved. There are also other derivative desktops following this poular design, including MATE and Cinnamon. (More pix of GNOME Classic) (If your graphics hardware cannot handle the load, you automatically get “GNOME Classic.”) I remember when GNOME 2 debuted. It preceded Apple’s desktop — and included many things that looked amazingly similar when that came out.
Or you can choose any of a number of other desktops

  • the ultra-lightweight LXDE (shown among the choices here).
  • the highly-customizable KDE 4more pix.
  • and more …

Click on links in the text above to see more about some of these desktops.

Using Ixquick metasearch with Konqueror

Ixquick metasearch is a European-based search aggregator that does not keep your data for 18 months (?!) as does Google … info here. I recommend you consider using Ixquick. (Automatic installation for Firefox is available at the home page.)

Ixquick is now StartPage (2019)

To use Ixquick metasearch with Konqueror:

Right-click on the icon at left of Konqueror search bar, choose “Select Search Engines,” and add a new search engine “Ixquick” with the following parameters:

  • Search URI:{@}
    OR use{@} for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
  • URI shortcut: ix … OR whatever you like

Be sure to check the boxes to left of Ixquick and “Enable Web Shortcuts” at top left.

You should now find the blue star for Ixquick available in your search box.

You can also search by entering ixq:search_term in the address box.

This still works in 2014!

Columbus Metropolitan Library Search with Konqueror

Recently my local library has added a CML Catalog Search plugin “powertool” that allows one to add a search of the library catalog to the search box. In Firefox this installs automatically via a script on the Power Tools page. (It is presently termed a “beta,” and does a basic search, seeming mostly on words in the title.)

Should you want to use this in Konqueror:

Right-click on the icon at left of Konqueror search bar, choose “Select Search Engines,” and add a new search engine. Call it “Columbus Metropolitan Library” (or “CML Catalog” or whatever you’d like), with the following parameters:

  • Search URI:{@}
  • URI shortcut: cml … OR whatever you’d like

Be sure to check the boxes to left of your new item and “Enable Web Shortcuts” at top left.

You should now find a choice to search the Columbus Metropolitan Library Catalog in your search box.

You can also search by entering cml:search_term in the address box.